Tourism and Development - Waiheke
Project Forever Waiheke
Cumming, Geoff. “Funds earmarked for tourism ‘observatory’.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Project Forever Waiheke: Draft Waiheke Sustainable Community & Tourism Strategy Overview, July 2018.
Project Forever Waiheke: Community Consultation Report, July 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Project Forever Waiheke wants your input.” Gulf News, 9 July, 2018.
Gulf News. “Playshop explores sustainable tourism.” Gulf News, 9 July, 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Achieving Balance.” Gulf News, 20 September, 2018.
Environmental Impacts
“New approach to keeping beaches beautiful.” Gulf News, 31 December, 2014.
Davis, Rose. “Seven units planned at Onetangi Beach.” Waiheke Marketplace, 21 February, 2017.
Worthy, Diana. “Warning over looming water shortage.” Waiheke Marketplace, 12 October, 2017.
Davis, Rose. “Court action after landslide hits.” Waiheke Marketplace, 18 October, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Moa Ave and the sacrificial seal.” Gulf News, 26 October, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Iwi say in reserves’ management revived.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Trust’s Cottage Industry.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “AT plans review of bus routes.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “Divers tackle ocean junk.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Homeowners must confront climate extremes – Walden.” Gulf News, 28 December, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Progress sought on marine protection.” Gulf News, 28 December, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Recycling Shop’s Free Sales Pitch.” Gulf News, 19 April, 2018.
Cumming, Geoff. “Free Shop Diverts Tonnes of Waste.” Gulf News, 7 June, 2018.
Waters, Liz. “Back to the drawing board for Putiki Road retaining walls.” Gulf News, 5 July, 2018.
Boladeras, Sophie. “New director for predator-free Waiheke.” Gulf News, 31 January, 2019.
Gulf News. “Teaming up to clean up the sea.” 7 February, 2019.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Support for zero-waste heroes.” Gulf News, 14 February, 2019.
Changing Demographic
Maddock, Shirley. Islands of the Gulf: Waiheke. Documentary. NZ Broadcasting Corporation, 1964.
Worthy, Diana. “Last show ever: DJ Optimus Gryme departs.” Waiheke Marketplace, 18 October, 2017.
Davis, Rose. “Now a million dollar island.” Waiheke Marketplace, 11 November, 2017.
Davis, Rose. “Rising Property Valuations Rile.” Waiheke Marketplace, 22 November, 2017.
Waiheke Local Board 2018 Census Results. Auckland Council, 14 Oct 2019.
Economic Impacts
Davis, Rose. “Free ferries for elderly needed by majority.” Waiheke Marketplace, 16 May, 2018.
Davis, Rose. “Rich myth doing damage.” Waiheke Marketplace, 16 May, 2018.
Resident and Island Culture Impacts
Maddock, Shirley. Islands of the Gulf: Waiheke. Documentary. NZ Broadcasting Corporation, 1964.
Jones, Richard. “SKP film fundraiser.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Gulf News. “Helicopter activity brings warning.” Gulf News, 14 December, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Cable Bay Vineyard refused consent.” Gulf News, 8 February, 2018.
Cumming, Geoff. “One Heke of a name.” Gulf News, 26 April, 2018.
Davis, Rose. “Island vineyard ‘too noisey’.” Waiheke Marketplace, 7 February, 2018.
Davis, Rose. “Matiatia to get Matariki flames.” Waiheke Marketplace, 9 May, 2018.
Jones, Richard. “Psychologist leaves over rent hikes.” Gulf News, 5 April, 2018.
Gulf News: Year in Review (2017)
Gulf News. “2017 in review: The year of living dangerously – part two.” Gulf News, 4 January, 2018.
Davis, Rose. “High cost of homelessness on Waiheke.” Gulf News, 14 November, 2016.
Cumming, Geoff. “Iwi say in reserves’ management revived.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Trust’s cottage industry.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017
Davis, Rose. “House prices holding up on Waiheke.” Waiheke Marketplace, 11 April, 2018.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Homeless in paradise.” Gulf News, 27 September, 2018.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Bayleys sponsors housing trust.” Gulf News, 4 October, 2018.
Water Conservation
Davis, Rose. “Save every drop as water crisis begins.” Waiheke Marketplace, 13 December, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “Community must step up, chairman says.” Gulf News, 14 December, 2017.
Tourism Impacts
Auckland Council. “Waiheke economic development overview.” 2013.
Matthews, Roger. “Visitor credit card spending: Waiheke Island 2009-2015.” Pounamu Strategic Ltd.
Auckland Council. “Waiheke Local Board Economic Overview.” 2016.
Essentially Waiheke Refresh 2016: A Village and Rural Community Strategic Framework.
QRIOUS. Visitors at Waiheke Island: Feb/2015 to Mar/2017. 8 May, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Monitoring cry for sustainable tourism.” Gulf News, 28 December, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “Another bay bites the dust.” Gulf News, 26 April, 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Waiheke not a place for freedom camping.” Gulf News, 5 July, 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Once again we’re a top global visitor destination.” Gulf News, 26 July, 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Rallying support to oppose new accommodation rate.” Gulf News, 26 July, 2018.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Record number of ferry trips in January.” Gulf News, 7 March, 2019.
Transport: Land
Whitten, Connor. “Waiheke bus protesters make tourists get out and walk.” Newshub, 9 April, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “AT plans review of bus routes.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “Keyhole standoff.” Gulf News, 30 November, 2017.
Horne, Mike. “Fullers Update: Congestion at Matiatia Keyhole.” Gulf News, 14 December, 2017.
Cumming, Geoff. “Rural road supersized.” Gulf News, 2018.
Davis, Rose. “AT roadblock to working bee.” Waiheke Marketplace, 25 April, 2018.
Haas, Emma. “Low priority Oue Street footpath goes ahead.” Gulf News, 5 July, 2018.
Transport: Water
Ryde, George. “Age Discrimination.” Gulf News, 26 October, 2017.
Jones, Richard. “Fullers staff ‘working incredible hard’.” Gulf News, 28 December, 2017.
Advertisement, Fullers Ferries. Priority queueing trial, 2017.
Davis, Rose. “Local board seeks power over Matiatia.” Waiheke Marketplace, 28 February, 2018.
Jones, Richard. “SeaLink’s big red reveal.” Gulf News, 26 April, 2018.
Grieve, Duncan. “The great Waiheke ferry rort.” The Spinoff, 10 May, 2018.
Worthy, Diana. “More powers, more say over land.” Waiheke Marketplace, 30 May 2018.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Will it be a quick sale for Quickcat?” Gulf News, 26 July, 2018.
Gulf News. “Waste not, want not.” 27 September, 2018.
Waiheke Based Sustainability Projects
Gulf News. “Conservation Minister to open the Waiheke Sustainability Centre.” 28 February, 2019.
Boladeras, Sophie. “Project raises $50,000 for wetland.” Gulf News, 7 March, 2019.
Beach Ambassadors Programme
Waiheke Beach Ambassador Project, 2015: A community partnership between the Waiheke Local Board and the Waiheke Resources Trust. Dawn Jeffery, March 2015.
Love Our Fruit Trees
Love Our Fruit Trees Waiheke: 2016 Evaluation Report, Waiheke Resources Trust. 2016.
Love Our Wetlands
Te Matuku Wetland, Waiheke Island: Restoration Plan. Te Ngahere Native Forest Management. 2013.
Waiheke Wetland Restoration Annual Report to 30 June 2018. The Waiheke Resources Trust, July 2018.
Pest Control
Mitchell, Mark. Waiheke Island Rat Control Plan. Auckland Council. July 2012.
Project Little Oneroa
Project Little Oneroa Annual Report: 30 June, 2018. Waiheke Resources Trust, 2018.